Lilypie Maternity tickers

Friday, September 9, 2011

Weight!! Oh how I hate thee....

I’m blogging about this bc this is a huge issue for me!! I do the treadmill everyday ,Zumba at home most everyday,and Zumba classes 2x a week!! I don’t eat the greatest but not the worst either!!…However…I DO love food!!!!lol I lose a few,gain them right back,and on and on and on!! I’m sick of it! My metabolism must be HORRIBLE!!!! and…I’m 32 almost 33 so that doesn’t help either. I don’t want to be a stick..just proportioned.Ok,I’m going to blame my four kiddos and 4 c-sections for that one! ;) OH,and I can’t forget the hubby thats picky!!He’s passed that on to the kids and its like we have the same suppers over and over!! I didn’t realize how over weight I really was until I saw pictures(which I have very few of myself!)! Isn’t that the way it always is? Those pictures will def get ya and show every pound! I’m sure no one cares but like I said,thats what is on my mind :) Feel free to post if you feel my pain :D

1 comment:

  1. Pictures are so mean. I gained 18 pounds this past few months. I didn't even realize how huge I was because my jeans still fit, but my thighs and arms and face are much bigger. I finally lost 6 pounds recently by eating less and drinking less soda but it's definitely a struggle.
