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Monday, September 12, 2011

My love/hate with Pinterest!

I kept hearing all the rave about Pinterest on facebook so of course I had to check it out! This place has everything you can think of!! Thats my love feelings about it...however I can't stay off hate feelings about it!lol I have found tons of recipe ideas on there and home ideas,craft ideas,clothes ideas,and on and on and on!! It really is a neat site but if you check it out..make sure you have the time bc it will definitely suck you right in!!Now,if I had the time to actually do some of these awesome things i've found...or if I was crafty enough to actually make some of those things..that would be great!!lol Has Pinterest got to YOU yet?!! What's your favorite thing you have found on there?


  1. Umm... EVERYTHING!!! is my favorite on there!!

  2. It took me a month to realize they weren't just pictures of things to think were pretty and they were actually links to learn how to make/do things. lol
