Lilypie Maternity tickers

Monday, September 19, 2011

Dear Sonia....

I was just siting almost 11pm..everybody is in the bed!!Can you believe that?!! Anyways,just figured I would blog..and why not write to my one and only follower? :D Yep,should be in the bed but my stomach hurts and I'm...smoking a cigarette..*gasp*I ate tacos from taco bell..yep,really helping my weight huh?What in the hell is my problem?! I have absolutely NO willpower! I'm so sick of this frikkin weight!

My bday is in 2 weeks...glad to be alive of course but it seems life is flying by! Then exactely 7 days later is Blakes bday...and mama's :( Its hard to celebrate his bday when its hers too.It still doesn't seem real and hard to believe how long its been.I miss her sooooo much Sonia!

Well,I guess thats all for now..just had that on my mind.I've gotta get the boys clothes out and watch BGC!! TTYL♥


  1. Ok, I don't even know what I was going to write last time. But I hope you found a shirt or whatever you were looking for today at the mall!!

  2. I bought those 2 pr jeans then went to TCP and picked Blake up 2 shirts for his bday,then went to EASLEY to that Khols and got that long tunic swetaer I wnated and another shirt.Thats the first time I've bought clothes in a reeeeeaaaalllly long time!!
