Lilypie Maternity tickers

Monday, January 23, 2012

Exciting day for my family...adding an addition!!!!

So...I took a pregnancy test this morning and it was......POSITIVE!!!!!! We are still in denial at this point bc the lines were pretty faint...but THEY ARE THERE!! I'm only 3 weeks...almost 4 so not far along at all...which explains the super faint lines.I will continue to test for the next few days or so....mainly to ease our minds and I'll be certain when I see the dark line...even though a line IS a line!! It puts my due date on ...october 4th 2012! We have been "trying" for only two months...with just this month of getting the "right" time! Even though it felt like a loooong time trying to get the right time, really didnt take long at all...looking back of course!!

Here is the test :)

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